Monday, November 30, 2009

I Am 8 Weeks Pregnant And Have A Sore Belly

Ariane Bosshard Reading: Reading

This afternoon, in the window of Speculoos {book}. Do not miss
result, tomorrow at 12:30!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Do Wear After Giving Birth

Asso chip

General Assembly

Monday, November 16, 2008

Present: Carole Bruno, Florence Herbert, Nolwen Fleurant Durandière Christophe Marie Germain, Jean-Yves Burban, Laurence Dubreil, Melina Tual

Apologies: Laurence Guinel, G and B Truth, Anne-Francoise Leymarie, Beatrice LAGARENNE

Association today

Asso The chip consists of15 family members. This number seems low (reminder: last year 41 families had signed up, we find that we are not very present-es to the end of classes.)

It seems important to re-contact families, since the accessions used to partially cover operating costs (insurance and stamps), the profits would go to events so completely to schools.

Reminder exclusive goals of the association: the Association of chip is responsible for organizing events and festivals to fund projects Baut schools, to establish the link between families and school, and support various school projects (voluntary labor ...)

It is not affiliated to any federation of parents. It is not an association of representatives of parents. It is not an intermediary to resolve any Conflict between families and school teachers. They are the representatives elected in the school councils have this role.

The balance of activities 2008/2009 school year

During the 2008/2009 school year, the Association organized a chip: an exchange
-books (December 2008)
-vacuum Attic (May 2009)

They reported, respectively (in earnings): 1260 €. These amounts were repaid to the two schools Baut.

Each organization has seen the involvement of many families at the time of preparation, facilities, or storing the event.

The balance of the year seems very positive.

The financial 2008

The Treasurer tells us about its balance sheet, ending in December 2008.

Expenditures are € 1,663.60 and revenue of € 2,012.56. Is a positive balance of € 348.96.

The Asso chip reverse its profits to schools. In all, about the year 2008, are € 1250 which have been returned.

present on behalf of the association are only € 111.78

We keep enough to pay the insurance of the association (about 70 €). We also keep enough to buy stamps.

The financial statement is approved by vote of the General Assembly.

We recall that no grant local authorities have been requested by the association this year.

The city of Nantes with the operation of the association by taking the material from the garage sale (tables), by granting access to public space for the garage sale and giving room to the association in the school premises.

Election of officers

Secretary: Barbara Thoby-Herman expresses resigned. The Chairman (Carole Bruno), Vice-President (Laurence Dubreil), Treasurer (Florence Herbert) wish to retain their positions. Tual
Melina intends to be secretary and was elected.
A new office has unanimously elected for one year.

Christophe Durandière continue to lead the blog d'Asso chip.

The articles will remain unchanged this year.

The presidents thank Barbara who has invested heavily in organizing the Garage sale, 2009.

Future Projects

The association must now organize the book sale 2009.

quick reminder for the scholarship to Books: Families give
books CDs, DVDs and magazines in good condition to the association that sells in the school at deeply discounted prices.

The date chosen will be Monday, December 14th from 16:30 to 18:30 (at the meeting because not enough people were available Friday afternoon)

The preparation of the grant for books and cd-dvd is held as follows:
-Bonding posters: Monday, November 23.
-end donations: Friday, December 11. Marie will retrieve the books from elementary through December 7. Who can do it after ? and kindergarten? Tri-
and pasting stickers Price: Saturday, December 12 at 11am
Preparation book exchange: 16h Monday, December 14
-Storage from 18.30.

must register for the sale of the book exchange. (Posted at the entrances to schools.)

For the garage sale, nobody can (does!) Commit to the role of coordination. So we decide we share the work and to contact Barbara.

Sunday, May 9 is chosen for the Empty attic

Christophe commits to fulfill the various sites of presentation of empty granaries.

Next meeting: December 12 at 11am for sorting books.

Next meeting Monday, January 11 at 18.30 (stock exchange books and prepare VG)

In the room Asso Chip Elementary School 2nd floor down the hall to the right

Friday, November 27, 2009

Acoustic Solution Tv Turning Itself Off Why?

showcase J1 # 1 Ariane Bosshard : We'll kill Available

Speculoos} {book presents: Plays, a series of meetings, events, performances, discussions, laboratories around the book in the making, changing publishing, the book become , the state practices of reading and writing.
For those who do the book, think, draw it, manufacture it, broadcast it, read it.
For its first reading, Speculoos} {book invites Ariane Bosshard to come and present his project Tunes .
Through a database, Ariane his memories of reading class, created a sense memory of his library, built a bibliography subjective.
Three books are now the result of this living archive, interviewed in three different ways and layout objects in three Crusaders. Three transversal readings of his library and remembered you are offered: Backstage, Playlist and Spotlight.
Ariane is now proposing to expand the bibliography of your own memories and share their projects. His reading Available , will take place Thursday, December 3 at 19h in Speculoos . She will also calls his ministers Plays showcase, the three days leading up to the event, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at 12:30. Ariane Bosshard, Available
Thursday, December 3 at 19:30
Speculoos {book}
159, Chaussée de Charleroi 1060 Brussels

PAF: 3 euros (to give you to drink ...)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

What Does It Mean When You Tap Someone)


Speculoosbook, combined editions Chandelier undertook the design and transition to the offset of Folded "We will kill Adams" made of wood engraving by the artist Olivier Deprez. The Folded
can be read in open format poster (500 mm x 700 mm) or closed book format (175 mm X 250 mm).

16 pages

3 ply 175 mm x 250 mm
Bioset Paper 80g / m² Offset
2 runs black

€ 15 200 copies available

Engravings Wood
16 pages

3 ply 175 mm x 250 mm Paper
Awagami Warabanshi63g / m²
50 copies € 65

available by mail from home or on order Speculoosbook chandelier.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Women Dressed As Mistresses


Price Fernand Baudin 2009

price of the most beautiful books in Brussels and Wallonia
Registration Deadline: December 1, 2009

Registration Form Regulation and

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Can Dogs Have Temazepan

Exhibition of Swiss books 2008 at Erg

Erg exposes winners " Most Beautiful Swiss Books " 2008 edition and a selection of Collection jrp-Ringier
This dual exhibition will take place the week of October 12 to 16 and will be open from 13h to 17h to ' Erg, 87 Rue du Page Brussels in 1050. Every day
Harrison, graphic designer and professor at the Erg how exposure from 15h to 16h.

Pokeball At Walgreens

Editions Gevaert

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Free Bang Bros Vidieos

Opening of the exhibition of the finest books Brussels and French

The exhibition of the finest books Brussels and French opened this Friday, September 26 at Wiels , Centre d'Art Contemporain. Speculoosbook took over the staging and organization, in collaboration with designer Matthew Gabiot . On this occasion, the cabinet the Goat was created.
The exhibition is open until October 11, 2009.

WIELS , Art Center Contemporary
Av Van Volxemlaan
354 1190 Bruxelles - Brussel such
+32 (0) 2 340 00 50
Fax +32 (0) 2 340 00 59

Friday, September 25, 2009

What Can I Use As Lube For Masterbation

2010 Meeting Presentation

We offer an introductory meeting of the association to new parents of school, Monday, September 28th at 18h in the lobby of the kindergarten.
This is an opportunity to discover association and share a friendly moment with a drink.


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Hagerty Jewellery Cleaner

Fernand Baudin Exhibition Award, Award of the finest books Brussels

Speculoos { book} joins the organization Fernand Baudin Price - Price of Brussels most beautiful books, and invites you to discover the winners of 2008 at the exhibition to be held at Wiels from September 26 to October 11 2009.

On this occasion, you'll also have the opportunity to discover the winners of the contest the most beautiful French books with which Price was Fernand Baudin and associated with the Paris edition of this exhibition was held in March 2009 at the Galerie Anatome .

All books by winning both competitions as well as those nominated by the Prix Fernand Baudin will be given in consultation.

Opening Friday, September 25th from 18:30 to 21h.

Contemporary Art Center Avenue Van
354 B-1190 Brussels - Brussel
T +32 (0) 2 340 00 50

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Engam Bulldog Puppies For Sale

New Impressions of Africa and the black book

Despite a disappointing graphically, New Impressions of Africa Published at Leo Scherr is associated with a theoretical very enlightening on the work of R. Roussel. Jacques Sivan, designer of this edition and author of the afterword, highlights the process of writing R. Roussel and his conception of the book.

The dynamism of the language of R. Roussel unfolds through the colors that are alternately assigned to text (colored in white, red, green, black or yellow). Each shade giving different impression, the text acquires perceptual qualities in addition to its typographic form and its positioning on the page. R. Roussel and puts in place an internal logic to the text where the color closely associated with it, becomes an element of interpretation and reveals a writing process.

Jacques Sivan connects the theories of Wittgenstein, Claudel Kadinsky and other writings about the reflective color to support his case. In the confusion, we note: The description of the color "bis" or the color of a gray, that of neutrality, non-event, the constant shift between white and black, blue and yellow concentric eccentric which to meet their respective spin create color balance: green. It read: neutrality immobile (gray) vs. dynamic balance (green). Other colors (red, white and black) will color the language of R. Roussel as active functions to move from a system of writing to another.

Note also the interest of R. Roussel to the question of the book as a generative process , print mode and three-dimensional object :

- bis , in addition to the gray, also evokes the notion of repetition. For R. Roussel, repetition - Duplication - is a fundamental process by which everything is generated, which produces the motion by the recurrence in time. So that there is a double statement: repetition is the condition Sinequa not the existence of anything (the identity can not be compared as a double) and the origin of a movement. By the use of color as color bis substantive text R. symbolizes the perpetual doubling of its text, that is to say the possibility of a new meaning and plural readings of reality constantly renewed.

- Mechanical textual R. Roussel refers to the mechanics of the five senses (especially that of vision) and resembles an optical process developer. (It is no coincidence that the titles of his works the words impressions, view , lining appear.)

New Impressions of Africa consists of 59 pages of text and 59 pages illustrations that are interspersed, creating a duplicate book, a book in the bifocal optical sense of the word. The book is by its variations of colored text to an optical device as defined be impressed (we mean by the term impress: leave an image on a sensitive surface by means of light in photography for example) but also by its different levels of interpretation and meaning it produces, News impressions Africa is an eye, an optical catalyst, an expression of vision Raimbaldien within the meaning of the term. The poet is the visionary and the book is the device for reading vision.

- R. Roussel sees his writing as a material process that will generate up to the book as object in its tri-dimensionality itself. They mean by structure, notebooks, number page and the book folds architectent. In it, R. Roussel joined Walter Benjamin, who advocates a writing whose typographic forms and graphics to text would be a relay (in Accountant , One Way), condemning the book in favor of text-book-object.

But if you look closer, R. Roussel is trying to offer a book-world, the significance of number 4 in the manufacturing process means symbolically all. The books are books of 8 pages, ie quarto, which are in themselves units of worlds. Totality is also symbolized by the 4 songs that structure New Impressions of Africa. We thus find, like Borges included the concept of the world into another world, itself included in another and at infinity. A world that is repeated through the mirrors created by the folds: they create virgins who reflect back (split) of full duplex.

New Impressions of Africa operates under a self-mechanics, a very accurate. The author is the operator, ie, one that is not the cause of "his" creation, but who is the agent provisional, and at some point, this building (or in the words of Mallarme "pure work implies the disappearance of the poet elocutionary ceding the initiative to word.")

In the system implemented by the BlackBookBlack , operators are being replaced not only the black pages (black print), making their own autonomy, but also to the book (all the books are unique, or are "potentially" different), and the reader (readings are multiple and depend only on the player that built them). Operators thus become developers (see the developer photograph) of a creation that tends to exist. The operator involved in the transmutation of matter, giving body to another body so that it becomes visible , the operator-alchemist participates in transition from black to a new form of existence.

New Impressions of Africa consists of 2 x 30 illustrations that respond symmetrically and that can be read as centripetal (from outside toward the center of the book) or centrifugal (from center to outside of book). With the peculiarity that the 30th pin image is the image that refers to all other and that the principle of symmetry can be achieved. The 60th image, it is absent or image, one invented by the reader. So there are 59 illustrations in the book, of which 29 correspond to 29 others through a 59th located in the center.

This image center is not without significance: it is the only one's own image back to itself (since it is the only one not to have another image that responds) and is the keystone of book. It reveals the scale reading of the book: it shows a man dragging a donkey guide under a sheet of paper. This tool - used to share a segment into parts same length - is a surface set at equal intervals. In its representation, which ruled lines are the draw at the same illustrations that make up the book placed at regular intervals. Yet it is only through a certain transparency that this grid we can appear (as it is placed under another sheet of paper), thus revealing all the underlying aspects of the work by the readings plural he proposes. R. Roussel and we still talk of colors, as transparency and opacity are qualities which also contribute to their descriptions.

The book is thus regarded as a space for realizing the vision, becomes the eye-book to better re-focus its vision, we propose a structure of double reading, reading bifocal, consisting of 29 pairs images with a separation (the central image, the fold) are those areas where vision may occur.

It is the projection space as envisaged in Duchamp, the mechanism that allows the "crossing" of the second dimension to the third dimension and the 3rd to 4th. Linear reading and comparative reading, movement and temporality, fall turns in reading passages operating constant coming and going between all dimensions of the projection space that constitutes the book.

A black book entitled (even if not titled) "Homage to Raymond Roussel, New Impressions of Africa ", consisting of 59 black pages printed single-sided, folded in 4, becoming 59 notebooks assembling a notebook from central pivot of all others, symbolizing symmetrical reading proposed in R. Roussel is the next black book of BBB. It will not be trimmed (to keep the fold) and the white margins are preserved.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Constrictive Chest Pains

J-4 for the garage sales for 2009

You still have until Saturday to register by calling the numbers listed on the poster above.

Calling all members Asso'dePuce

For the organization and preparation of the event, we still need help and goodwill, primarily for installation and storage gates and stands:
- The Saturday night at 20:00
- The Sunday morning at 6:00
- The Sunday evening at 18:00

There are tables in school (kindergarten and primary) to subscribe to its noble tasks, but also for other ...

A Sunday

Friday, April 24, 2009

Nforce Version Do Have

Giving his hand is giving his word

For documents through childhood I traces the history of the spelling of my writing: the path of the passing of the pen in his left hand to right hand, a tool to another via a third: that book. Tool change is that change weaver? Is this a different weave writing another story? A History of copies, published Chandelier . Chandelier editions will be present on 25 and 26 April to market bookwork to St. Luke Institute, 57 rue Ireland, 1060 Brussels.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Lugarics Disease Information

Concrete & Garamond

Dating artchitecture
Edition and 26 and March 27, 2009
Special School of Architecture
Boulevard Raspail, 75014 Paris 254

I will make an intervention in these days, March 26 at 10am. The theme is "The book and its spaces.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Answers For Wards Ap Bio Lab 4

Reminder garage sales

Reminder: the next preparatory meeting of garage sales is Monday next, March 16th at 18:30 to the room of the association, the top floor of the elementary school , maternal side.


Can You Use Capture Cards With Macbook?

2009 booksale 2008, following

Last info for the book exchange 2008. The recipe has been passed to schools:
130 euros for kindergarten
130 euros for the primary school.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Is 36 Weeks To Far For A Wax?

Organization garage sales

a reminder, yard sales in 2009 will be held Sunday, May 17, 2009.

The organization of the event requires time and energy. All aid is welcome, the D-day course, but also upstream!
A preparatory meeting is scheduled Monday, March 16, 2009 at 18:30 . This is an opportunity to learn and participate.

Thanks in advance from Barbara, our Gentille Organizer Leader.

How To Make Foot Scrub

2009 booksale 2008

thing promised is a debt that, with a little patience, everything happens, here are the results of the scholarship on the books of 12 December 2008:

The recipe was 262 euros. Miscellaneous expenses for making cakes amounted to € 26.70 . Place

now organizing the garage sale 2009 ...

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I Live In Quebec Work In Ontario

Fernand Baudin Prize 2008

Price of Brussels most beautiful book

Initiated by a few graphic-Teacher Award, best book was finally held in Belgium and specifically Brussels for the first edition 2008, with support from Brussels-Export.

Fernand Baudin Prize is a competition that aims to encourage the creation of contemporary book each year honoring the best books of the Brussels-Capital Region. It is aimed at graphic designers, publishers, printers and bookbinders and tends to make available their achievements to a wide audience through an exhibition and a catalog circulating abroad.

Will winning books of 2008 that reflect a high quality both in terms of design (graphic and editorial), as their production (printing and binding). A qualified international jury will judge according to predefined criteria aesthetic issues, innovations and techniques embodiment of the books in order to award the prizes.

Fernand Baudin was a leading "typography" Belgium, a major player in the world of books but also a teacher and author of several books that have earned her international fame. In homage to this iconic figure whose vision and work were determinants, we borrowed the name to associate with the price of the most beautiful book in Brussels.

This year, for its first edition, the Prix Fernand Baudin will be hosted by Galerie Anatome in Paris for a joint exhibition with the contest of the most beautiful French books which will in turn be hosted in Brussels.

Panel Members:

Historian graphics

Armand Mevis (NL)

designer Philippe Millot (EN) Graphic



Marc Goethals (B)
Artist and collector of art books



Saturday, January 31, 2009

I Cut My Bajina While Shaving

Soon balance the book exchange

I promised you a review of the book exchange in December 2007, and although he'll have to wait a little bit because I did not have all the information you need!

Another subject, you may have noticed that articles are always published by Landmat, even if not more that Matilda writes. I do not know how to change this thing (I'm running on blog) but I'll try ...

Written by Chris;)

Death Watch Chapter Summary

Proceedings of the General Assembly of the Asso'DePuce Friday, November 14, 2008

(Thanks to Melissa for Tual writing this report)

Present: V. Durand, M. Tricoire, G. Chevreau, L. Guinel, F. Herbert L. Dubreuil, C. Bruno, A. Goupilleau, C. Durandière, N. Fleurant, D. Popa, Mr. Tual. (Members)
C. Fruchet, A. Lecuyer (Teachers)

Excused: B. LAGARENNE, B.Thoby-Herman (represented by A. Goupilleau)

Association today

Asso The chip consists of 41 member families . It is therefore a relatively compared to the size of the school group.
quick reminder of goals exclusive association: the Association of chip is dedicated to organizing events and festivals to fund projects Baut schools, to establish the link between families and school, and support various school projects (labor ... voluntary).
It is not affiliated with any federation of parents. It is not an association of representatives of parents. It is not an intermediary to resolve potential conflicts between families and school teachers. They are the representatives elected in the school councils have this role.

The balance of activities 2007/2008 school year

During the 2007/2008 school year, the Association organized a chip: a
- booksale (December 2007)
- a flea (May 2008)

They reported, respectively (in net): € 220 and € 1,200 .
These amounts were repaid to the two schools Baut.
The kindergarten teachers present we confirm the use of money paid to support many of the trips organized during the year (Theatres, cinemas, educational garden).
They also used the funds to publish a school newspaper produced by the large section.
Association is pleased that the team always explains to parents the financial Asso chip.
In elementary school, it was announced at the board school funding a skeleton of a part of the activities of CEL.
The association asked for some clarification from the teaching staff of the elementary school.

Each organization has seen the involvement of many families either at the time of preparation, facilities, or storing the event.
The balance of the year seems very positive.

The results 2007 Financial

The Treasurer tells us about its balance sheet, ending in December 2007. Expenditures are
of 1454, 80 € and € 1587.96 recipes. Is a positive balance of 133, 16 €. The Asso
chip reverse its profits to schools. In all, about the year 2007, are € 1070 which were donated .
present on behalf of the association remains that money from membership fees (41 € x 2 = 82 €)
We keep enough to pay the insurance association (approximately € 70)
The financial statement is approved by vote of the General Assembly.

We recall that no local government subsidy was granted to the association this year. Application will be made to allow leasing of a truck to transport the equipment needed for garage sale.
The city of Nantes with all due functioning of the Association by taking the hardware garage sale (tables).

Election of officers

The Chair: Virginie Durand
The Vice-President: Beatrice LAGARENNE
Secretary: Matilda Tricoire
The Assistant Treasurer: Laurence Guinel
say they resigned.

Treasurer: Florence
Herbert wants to keep that position.

A new office is unanimously elected for one year.

President: Carole Bruno

Vice-President: Laurence Dubreil

Secretary: Barbara Thoby-Hermann

Treasurer: Florence Herbert

Christophe Durandière aims to animate the Blog Asso chip.
Barbara Thoby-Hermann intends to become the project coordinator attic 2009

Reading articles that will not change this year. The new presidents

warmly thank Virginia and Mathilde leaving the association. They point out that without them and the time they have given during those first three years nothing would have been possible. All participants join them to thank them.


Here, the blog is still alive! SLIDESHOW

Yes, yes, the blog is still alive even if somewhat hibernate for several months ...

When, in October, Mathilde was desperate for a successor to manage the blog, I can still hear myself say "Me, I will take care of it." The commitment being made, there was still time to Walk the talk! So there, I decided. I count on you to come visit regularly.

I'll start catching up and you summarize the previous episodes, namely the GA in November and December book sale.

Happy reading