Asso chip
General Assembly
Monday, November 16, 2008
Present: Carole Bruno, Florence Herbert, Nolwen Fleurant Durandière Christophe Marie Germain, Jean-Yves Burban, Laurence Dubreil, Melina Tual
Apologies: Laurence Guinel, G and B Truth, Anne-Francoise Leymarie, Beatrice LAGARENNE
Association today
Asso The chip consists of15 family members. This number seems low (reminder: last year 41 families had signed up, we find that we are not very present-es to the end of classes.)
It seems important to re-contact families, since the accessions used to partially cover operating costs (insurance and stamps), the profits would go to events so completely to schools.
Reminder exclusive goals of the association: the Association of chip is responsible for organizing events and festivals to fund projects Baut schools, to establish the link between families and school, and support various school projects (voluntary labor ...)
It is not affiliated to any federation of parents. It is not an association of representatives of parents. It is not an intermediary to resolve any Conflict between families and school teachers. They are the representatives elected in the school councils have this role.
The balance of activities 2008/2009 school year
During the 2008/2009 school year, the Association organized a chip: an exchange
-books (December 2008)
-vacuum Attic (May 2009)
They reported, respectively (in earnings): 1260 €. These amounts were repaid to the two schools Baut.
Each organization has seen the involvement of many families at the time of preparation, facilities, or storing the event.
The balance of the year seems very positive.
The financial 2008
The Treasurer tells us about its balance sheet, ending in December 2008.
Expenditures are € 1,663.60 and revenue of € 2,012.56. Is a positive balance of € 348.96.
The Asso chip reverse its profits to schools. In all, about the year 2008, are € 1250 which have been returned.
present on behalf of the association are only € 111.78
We keep enough to pay the insurance of the association (about 70 €). We also keep enough to buy stamps.
The financial statement is approved by vote of the General Assembly.
We recall that no grant local authorities have been requested by the association this year.
The city of Nantes with the operation of the association by taking the material from the garage sale (tables), by granting access to public space for the garage sale and giving room to the association in the school premises.
Election of officers
Secretary: Barbara Thoby-Herman expresses resigned. The Chairman (Carole Bruno), Vice-President (Laurence Dubreil), Treasurer (Florence Herbert) wish to retain their positions. Tual
Melina intends to be secretary and was elected.
A new office has unanimously elected for one year.
Christophe Durandière continue to lead the blog d'Asso chip.
The articles will remain unchanged this year.
The presidents thank Barbara who has invested heavily in organizing the Garage sale, 2009.
Future Projects
The association must now organize the book sale 2009.
quick reminder for the scholarship to Books: Families give
books CDs, DVDs and magazines in good condition to the association that sells in the school at deeply discounted prices.
The date chosen will be Monday, December 14th from 16:30 to 18:30 (at the meeting because not enough people were available Friday afternoon)
The preparation of the grant for books and cd-dvd is held as follows:
-Bonding posters: Monday, November 23.
-end donations: Friday, December 11. Marie will retrieve the books from elementary through December 7. Who can do it after ? and kindergarten? Tri-
and pasting stickers Price: Saturday, December 12 at 11am
Preparation book exchange: 16h Monday, December 14
-Storage from 18.30.
must register for the sale of the book exchange. (Posted at the entrances to schools.)
For the garage sale, nobody can (does!) Commit to the role of coordination. So we decide we share the work and to contact Barbara.
Sunday, May 9 is chosen for the Empty attic
Christophe commits to fulfill the various sites of presentation of empty granaries.
Next meeting: December 12 at 11am for sorting books.
Next meeting Monday, January 11 at 18.30 (stock exchange books and prepare VG)
In the room Asso Chip Elementary School 2nd floor down the hall to the right
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