Tuesday, November 23, 2010

How To Tie A Two Ring Belt

dot com How I ' I wrote "9 years, not fear"

There are texts that require more time than others to deliver. Who knows why ... I wrote a treats the early 9 years, not afraid in May 2004, then I stopped short. The 3500 words achieve nothing and remained quietly in the folder being written. " Once a year, while cleaning my computer, I fell on these pages I read, saying I liked it. Anyway, I replaced them in the same category of unfinished. Until Rémy Simard contacted me in 2009 asking me if I would be interested in writing a comic script. I've always wanted, so I said yes to Rémy. But for lack of inspiration, I sent him early 9 years, not afraid , hoping that he would like that. He loved, but not for a scenario, since the story went nowhere. However, his positive comment on my text encouraged me to take up his pen. Five years later, I was at the end of the book to reach 20,000 words, the length of a novella. The short scale has agreed to publish a new collection that I open the book and just appeared on the shelves. Six years after its appearance, Angelito could finally live his adventure not trivial. Thank you Remy!

Another story I like, that of the cover illustration, created by Melanie Baillairgé. You see here in the sense that it was designed. One click by mistake did recover and the result has attracted the designer. (Yes, it is indeed a head that floats).


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