"The countdown continues for Publishing and the authors of Écosociété Black Canada: There is less than 275 days before the start of the libel suit filed by Barrick for $ 6 million. It must extend over forty days from next September.
The authors Black Canada simply do not have the resources required to cover costs such a trial. The four employees of the publishing house for their Écosociété likely to see their editorial work seriously compromised during the next year because of this assignment to justice. And this without counting what it will cost Quebec taxpayers, ordered to pay the costly fees - the courtroom, judge, bailiff, clerk - assume that forty days of trial. Meanwhile, Barrick Gold, the first gold company in the world largest, will continue to benefit from tax deductions to corporations with respect to their legal expenses.
The SLAPP suits by Barrick Gold and Banro is a misuse of the courts for an abuse of justice and seriously undermines the right to freedom of expression and information to citizens as part of discussions audiences. "
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